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chái hú • radix bupleuri • bupleurum root • 柴胡

single herb
release wind-heat

chái hú is used for patterns with

liver qi stasis, shao yang disorders, spleen and stomach yang qi sinking, liver and gallbladder disharmony.

symptoms indicating the use of chái hú

weird fever, alternating chills and fever, headache, irritability, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, bitter taste, flank pain, stifling sensation in the chest, emotional disbalance, bloating.

good to know!

because of the drying nature chai hu should ideally be mixed with bai shao.

⚠️ not in yin xu, fluid xu, liver yang rising, or liver fire.

these are my herb suppliers, whom I fully trust as they follow the strict guidelines of the swiss agency for therapeutic products swiss medic.

dr. noyer tcmlian chinaherbmykoplan vitalpilze 

tcm pocketguide

created with love in switzerland 🇨🇭

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