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xìng sū sǎn • apricot kernel and perilla leaf powder • 杏苏散

treat dryness • gently dispers and moisten dryness

xìng sū sǎn is used for patterns with

externally contracted cool-dryness impairing the lungs function.

symptoms indicating the use of xìng sū sǎn

slight headache, chills without sweating, cough with watery sputum, stuffy nose, dry throat.

western interpretation of xìng sū sǎn

acute and chronic bronchitis, cough, bronchiectasis, emphysema, common cold, influenza, dyspnea, chronic obstrucitive pulmonary disease (copd), asthma, hoarseness, sore throat, upper respiratory tract infection (urti), nasal congestion.

explanation of the mechanism

the externally contracted wind-cold and dryness interferes with the disseminating and descending functions of the lungs.

headache and chills with no sweating indicates cool-dryness attacking the exterior.

when cool-dryness attacks the lungs it disrupts their ability to facilitate the circulation of fluids, and produces a type of congested fluids characterized by cough with watery sputum. since the nose is the sensory orifice of the lungs and the throat is part of the lung system, dryness in the lungs can lead to a stuffy nose and a dry throat. the dry, white tongue coating indicates cool-dryness. the wiry pulse indicates cool-dryness and congested fluids.

(bensky & barolet)

⚠️ important note: if you experience symptoms that resemble the ones presented in the tcm pocketguide please consult a medical doctor or tcm therapist. these prescriptions are not meant for self-medication and should only be prescribed by a licensed tcm practitioner. of course you can also book a consultation with me. i would be pleased to welcome you.

tcm pocketguide

created with love in switzerland 🇨🇭

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