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yi yi ren tcm pocketguide blog post

yì yĭ rén • semen coicis • job’s tears seed • 薏苡仁

sān rén tāng • three-nut decoction • 三仁汤sān rén tāng • three-nut decoction • 三仁汤 drain dampness yì yĭ rén is used for patterns with dampness, wind-damp bi syndrome, spleen deficiency with dampness, damp-heat, pus. symptoms indicating the use of yì yĭ rén painful fingers, joint stiffness and pain, digestive issues, diarrhea, leg-qi, urinary dribbling, lung…

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cang zhu tcm pocketguide blog post

cāng zhú • rhizoma atractylodis • atractylodis rhizome • 苍术

píng wèi sǎn • calm the stomach powder • 平胃散 fragrantly resolve dampness cāng zhú is used for patterns with dampness, all kinds of bi syndrome, dampness obstructing the middle jiao, wind-dampness, wind-cold, summer-heat. symptoms indicating the use of cāng zhú anorexia, diarrhea, epigastric distention and pressure, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, fever, headache, body aches, nasal…

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