calm the shen
lóng gŭ is used for patterns with
emotional distress, restless heart and spirit, liver yin deficiency with yang rising, leakage of fluids from deficiency, ulcers.
symptoms indicating the use of lóng gŭ
emotional distress, restlessness, insomnia, palpitations with anxiety, seizures or withdrawal mania, irritability, dizziness, vertigo, blurred vision and a bad temper, spermatorrhea, night sweats, spontaneous sweating, nocturnal emissions, vaginal discharge and uterine bleeding, chronic non-healing sores and ulcerations.
not in damp-heat, and not with shi gao, and not with fish.
these are my herb suppliers, whom i fully trust as they follow the strict guidelines of the swiss agency for therapeutic products swiss medic.
tcm pocketguidecreated with love in switzerland
created with love in switzerland 
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