release wind-cold
fáng fēng is used for patterns with
wind-cold, wind-heat, wind-cold-damp bi syndrome (predominant wind), external wind, internal wind, liver-wind, intestinal-wind, liver and spleen disharmony.
symptoms indicating the use of fáng fēng
headache, chills, aversion to cold, and body aches, joint and muscle pain, trembling of hands and feet and tetany, spasms, recurrent tenesmus and painful diarrhea with bright blood in the stool, borborygmus and abdominal pain, irritable bowle syndrome, migraine headaches.
not with gan jiang, li lu, bei xie, and shan zhu yu.
these are my herb suppliers, whom i fully trust as they follow the strict guidelines of the swiss agency for therapeutic products swiss medic.
tcm pocketguidecreated with love in switzerland
created with love in switzerland 
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