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lián qiáo • fructus forsythia • forsythia fruit • 连翘

single herb
clear heat • resolve fire-toxin

lián qiáo is used for patterns with

wind-heat, throat-bi, toxic-heat, fire-toxin, pericard-/heart-heat, blood-heat, lin syndrome.

symptoms indicating the use of lián qiáo

high fever, slight chills, sore throat, abscesses, carbuncles, erysipelas, pustules, lung abscess, scrofula, dysuria, hematuria, acute nephritis.

⚠️ not in diarrhea from sp and st xu, ulcerated carbuncles, blood-heat from yin xu.

these are my herb suppliers, whom I fully trust as they follow the strict guidelines of the swiss agency for therapeutic products swiss medic.

dr. noyer tcmlian chinaherbmykoplan vitalpilze 

tcm pocketguide

created with love in switzerland 🇨🇭

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