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allergies & intolerances

when nature is sprouting or animals are looking for cuddles, allergic people may want to run far away. hay fever or animal hair allergy usually begins with a tickle in the nose, a sneeze, itchy reddened eyes, tearing, tightness in the chest, and breathing difficulty. in extreme cases, it can develop into an asthma attack. antihistamines or asthma spray seem to be the only solution. many avoid going out for a walk, or visiting friends with pets. it doesn’t have to be that way.

allergien und unverträglichkeiten cosmosan praxis für traditionelle chinesische medizin

traditional chinese medicine (tcm) understands allergy, in particular hay fever or animal hair allergy, as an excessive reaction of the body to an external factor, usually combined with an underlying weakness of the immune system. this may sound contradictory. but in order to evaluate its environment properly, a healthy defence mechanism that decides on 'good for me' or 'bad for me' is provided. if this mechanism is disturbed, it comes to overreactions, or sometimes also to a lack of reaction. the latter is rarely precepted as suffering as it is less visible with less discomfort.

«in allergies nutrition and digestion play an important role»

an allergy to external influences is always based on an inner imbalance, which does not know how to handle the respective information adequately. let's take the example of animal hair allergy. one fine day you get up in the morning and you become aware that you feel uncomfortable in the presence of your dog or cat. it starts to itch in your eyes, you have to sneeze, you can't stand the animal hair flying around, you don't like to pet your animal anymore. your body overreacts, and you don't understand why. traditional chinese medicine (tcm) understands this situation as a stagnation or even a accumulation of energy. it's like a dam. when the lake has reached its highest limit and even more water flows in, it overflows, in extreme cases the dam breaks. here tcm can mediate between inside and outside with acupuncture and herbs and ensure appropriate tolerance. 

in the case of allergies, it is also extremely important to understand that nutrition and digestion play an important role. because our defensive power depends to a large extent on what we eat. digestion shows how well we utilize the food. an expert therapist will always give individual nutritional recommendations in connection with allergies, which support the success of the treatment. the prospects of a peaceful relationship with each other - be it with nature or with pets - are positive at any rate. after all, nature always strives for harmony.

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