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zi su ye tcm pocketguide blog post

zĭ sū yè • folium perillae • purple perilla leaf • 紫苏叶

release wind-cold zĭ sū yè is used for patterns with external wind-cold, spleen and stomach qi stagnation, plumb stone throat, restless fetus, seafood-/ fishpoisoning. symptoms indicating the use of zĭ sū yè fever, chills, headache, stuffy nose, cough, stifling sensation in the chest, asthma, nausea, restless fetus, morning sickness, seafood poisoning (crab, fish), vomiting, diarrhea. …

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tcm pocketguide blog post overview treat dryness

overview treat dryness

5th overviewtreat dryness let’s start with the fifth category of chinese herbal prescriptions that treat dryness. which are the most important prescriptions in this category? 18 overviews – 18 categories these overviews are meant to be orientation points to which you can always return to to check the most common prescriptions in the…

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huang qin tcm pocketguide blog post

huáng qín • radix scutellariae • baical skullcap root • 黄芩

clear heat & dry damp-heat huáng qín is used for patterns with disharmonies especially in the upper jiao! damp-heat, toxic heat, fire toxin, blood-heat bleeding, restless fetus from heat, liver yang rising. symptoms indicating the use of huáng qín upper respiratory tract infection, cough with thick yellow sputum, fever, irritability, flushed face, bitter taste, thirst, high…

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chai hu tcm pocketguide blog post

chái hú • radix bupleuri • bupleurum root • 柴胡

release wind-heat chái hú is used for patterns with liver qi stasis, shao yang disorders, spleen and stomach yang qi sinking, liver and gallbladder disharmony. symptoms indicating the use of chái hú weird fever, alternating chills and fever, headache, irritability, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, bitter taste, flank pain, stifling sensation in the chest, emotional disbalance, bloating. good…

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tcm pocketguide blog post overview harmonize

overview harmonize

4th overviewharmonize let’s start with the fourth category of chinese herbal prescriptions that harmonize. which are the most important prescriptions in this category? 18 overviews – 18 categories these overviews are meant to be orientation points to which you can always return to to check the most common prescriptions in the corresponding category.…

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