skin problems
at baby-age it can start with cradle cap, in the infant-age with neurodermatitis, in puberty with acne, in adulthood with psoriasis. the range of skin diseases is wide, and the number of those who suffer very large. chronic skin problems can put a strain on the psyche and severely impair the quality of life. it is therefore quite easy to understand that those who are plagued by skin problems over months or even years take heavy medication, even if it’s only for a temporary relieve but it often does not help the cause.
traditional chinese medicine (tcm) distinguishes five elements: water, wood, fire, earth, metal and assigns the skin to the latter together with the organs lung and large intestine. this explains why tcm always involves digestion in the treatment of skin diseases.
skin problems seldomly appear out of nowhere. they are mostly the expression of an inner imbalance. let's take the very common example of acne. it is mostly due to so-called 'damp-heat', and when the pimples are painful, the pattern is accompanied by 'blood stagnation'. the principal causes are inappropriate nutrition and poor digestion.
«chronic skin problems can put a strain on the psyche»
often too strong emotions are involved as well, which also produce heat in the body. and since heat rises according to its physical law, acne expresses itself especially in the upper body regions. in severe cases, acne also finds its way inside the body and can also affect the genital region. tcm understands the nature of many skin diseases and how they relate to each other. in treatment, the emphasis is placed on herbal therapy and acupuncture is used in addition.
nutrition and lifestyle change are very important for the success of the treatment. many patients don't like to hear that they have to avoid citrus fruits, milk and wheat products, hot spices, red meat, sweets, sugar, alcohol and cigarettes. but if they understand that they are not supposed to give up for life, but temporarily, until the physical climate has returned to normal, it helps them to cooperate. when change happens and becomes visible after a few weeks, most of them voluntarily avoid the harmful substances because they finally feel comfortable in their own skin.