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da huang tcm pocketguide blog post

dà huáng • radix et rhizoma rhei • rhubarb root and rhizome • 大簧

purgatives & laxatives dà huáng is used for patterns with yang-ming heat, damp-heat, phlegm-heat, blood-heat, and blood-stasis. symptoms indicating the use of dà huáng high fever, profuse sweating, thirst, constipation, dysentery, hemorroids, abdominal distention and pain, delirium, nosebleeding, coughing of blood, painful urination, abscesses, sores. not in pregnancy, external…

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tcm pocketguide huang lian

huáng lián • rhizoma coptidis • coptidis rhizome • 黄芩

clear heat • dry damp-heat huáng lián is used for patterns with middle jiao damp-heat, liver-fire, heart-fire, stomach-fire, blood-heat, water and fire not harmonized. symptoms indicating the use of huáng lián diarrhea or dysenteric disorder, enteritis and vaginal infection, cholera, acute gastroenteritis, typhoid fever, staphylococcus, vomiting and/or acid regurgitation, irritability, disorientation, delirium, red eyes, otitis…

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