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chronic fatigue

it starts very slowly with a feeling that everything is too much, that life becomes a burden. in the mornings you feel slain and hardly want to get up. the everyday commitments seem tedious, the professional demands overtaxing, the social contacts draining, and you don't understand what's the matter with you. chronic fatigue is usually detected when it is already well advanced.

chronische müdigkeit cosmosan praxis für traditionelle chinesische medizin

it includes symptoms such as loss of drive, pleasure, joy and appetite, headache, insomnia, shortness of breath, paleness, sluggish digestion, flatulence, chills, weakness of the immune system, etc. if the tendency is towards depression, we speak of depression from exhaustion or burnout.

traditional chinese medicine (tcm) attributes chronic fatigue to a latent lack of qi (life energy) and blood (vitality) and is often accompanied by a so-called stagnation of qi and blood. if there is a lack, how can a blockade occur at the same time? a simple picture explains this phenomenon: a semi-dried river with isolated puddles, but it lacks enough strength (qi) and water (blood) to allow a flow (well-being). 

«little breaks in everyday life»

how to rebuild qi and blood in the body? tcm knows how to build up energy and vitality with herbs and to release stagnation with acupuncture. the duration of the treatment is very individual and depends on how long and how severe the chronic deficiency has lasted. at the same time, it is important to understand that energy is mainly obtained from food, water, air and sunlight. unfortunately, sunlight is sometimes scarce in our degrees of latitude, but with a varied balanced diet, sufficient water and fresh air, the energy tank can be filled well. enough sleep and relaxation, not only during holidays, but also in everyday life, are a matter of course.

for sustainable results, it is advisable to perform a 'finetuning' every three months after the actual therapy. this means a so-called seasonal acupuncture treatment, which is used at the beginning of the four seasons: 21.3., 21.6., 23.9. and 21.12. by treating certain points which affect those organs which are particularly active in the immediately following season, the flow of qi and blood is regulated and thus the harmony with the rhythm of nature is promoted.

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