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tcm pocketguide blog post overview warm interior cold

overview warm interior cold

7th overviewwarm interior cold let’s start with the seventh category of chinese herbal prescriptions that warm interior cold. which are the most important prescriptions in this category? 18 overviews – 18 categories these overviews are meant to be orientation points to which you can always return to to check the most common prescriptions…

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tcm pocketguide blog cover picture qiang huo sheng shi tang

qiāng huó shèng shī tāng • notopterygium decoction to overcome dampness • 羌活胜湿汤

overview expel dampness overview expel dampness expel dampness • expel wind-dampness qiāng huó shèng shī tāng is used for patterns with external wind-dampness symptoms indicating the use of qiāng huó shèng shī tāng heavy, painful head, stiff neck, generalized sensation of heaviness, and muscle ache, back pain, difficulty bending or rotating the…

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bai zhu tcm pocketguide blog post

bái zhú • rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae • white atractylodis rhizome • 白术

tonify qi bái zhú is used for patterns with spleen and stomach deficiency, dampness or fluid accumulation from spleen deficiency, wei qi deficiency. symptoms indicating the use of bái zhú diarrhea, fatigue, tiredness, sallow complexion, edema, masses and swellings, reduced urination, spontaneous sweating, restless fetus. 💡know this: chinese single herbs…

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yi yi ren tcm pocketguide blog post

yì yĭ rén • semen coicis • job’s tears seed • 薏苡仁

sān rén tāng • three-nut decoction • 三仁汤sān rén tāng • three-nut decoction • 三仁汤 drain dampness yì yĭ rén is used for patterns with dampness, wind-damp bi syndrome, spleen deficiency with dampness, damp-heat, pus. symptoms indicating the use of yì yĭ rén painful fingers, joint stiffness and pain, digestive issues, diarrhea, leg-qi, urinary dribbling, lung…

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cang zhu tcm pocketguide blog post

cāng zhú • rhizoma atractylodis • atractylodis rhizome • 苍术

píng wèi sǎn • calm the stomach powder • 平胃散 fragrantly resolve dampness cāng zhú is used for patterns with dampness, all kinds of bi syndrome, dampness obstructing the middle jiao, wind-dampness, wind-cold, summer-heat. symptoms indicating the use of cāng zhú anorexia, diarrhea, epigastric distention and pressure, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, fever, headache, body aches, nasal…

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ze xie tcm pocketguide blog post

zé xiè • rhizoma alismatis • water plantain rhizome • 泽泻

wǔ líng sǎn • five-ingredient powder with poria • 五苓散 drain dampness zé xiè is used for patterns with stagnation from dampness, all kinds of lin syndrome, damp-heat in the lower jiao, liver/gallbladder damp-heat, kidney yin xu empty-heat. symptoms indicating the use of zé xiè general and specific edema, urinary difficulty, painful urinary disfunction, dizziness, diarrhea,…

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tcm pocketguide blog overview expel dampness

overview expel dampness

6th overviewexpel dampness let’s start with the sixth category of chinese herbal prescriptions that expel dampness. which are the most important prescriptions in this category? 18 overviews – 18 categories these overviews are meant to be orientation points to which you can always return to to check the most common prescriptions in the…

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