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anxiety & panic disorders

it seems to appear from out of nowhere. you start to sweat, your heart races, your body trembles, your breathing becomes flat, your senses are as if fogged, nothing seems real anymore, and the only option left is to fight or flee! so it seems. a few moments later, the nerves calm down again, you become clear in your head and you wonder what it was all about? why panic in an absolute everyday situation like in a lift, tram, traffic or in a shop, or restaurant? 

angst und panikattacken cosmosan praxis für traditionelle chinesische

anxiety and panic disorders are a phenomenon which hunts more and more people. in extreme cases, those affected don't even dare to leave the house anymore and involuntarily isolate themselves. many feel very helpless, also ashamed and seek advice rather late when fear has already imprisoned their lives.

traditional chinese medicine (tcm) explains anxiety and panic disorders as an imbalance between the elements fire and water with the corresponding organs heart and kidneys. excitement causes heart palpitations, fear causes bladder weakness. initially a slight anxiety is percepted, which develops into vague fear and finally into panic attacks with fear of death, the feeling of suffocation, fainting, losing self-control, going mad.

«miscommunication between fire and water»

the triggers are certain situations, which the affected automatically begin to avoid, but also anxious thoughts, which end up in the viscous circle of being afraid of the fear. there are many reasons why miscommunication between fire and water or heart and kidneys can occur: stress at home or work, existential fears, self-doubt, trauma, shock, alcohol and drugs, thyroid dysfunction, iron deficiency, etc.

tcm can mediate between the elements with acupuncture and herbs and rebalance the emotional and energetic disequilibrium. western medicine treats anxiety and panic disorders with antidepressants and sedatives. in acute cases they provide relief, but they do not solve the problem itself. for lasting results, it is crucial to treat the root of the imbalance. in addition to the treatment with tcm, it is important to reduce stress as much as possible, to get plenty of sleep and rest, to strive for a balanced change of life and above all to face the situations repeatedly that cause anxiety. an accompanying psychotherapy can additionally help to overcome fears. good support is also provided by the emotional freedom technique (eft), a tapping technique, as well as autogenic training and meditation. working on yourself is necessary and worthwhile in any case. because once you have gone through the dark, you will perceive the light completely differently.

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