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dedication & purpose

tcm pocketguide

dedication & purpose

“when i startet to study chinese herbal medicine in 2003 i must admit i felt totally lost among all the hundereds of herbs and prescriptions. desperately i wished for an overwiew, a tool that would not only help me to look through the huge jungle of information but also to understand the relationships between main prescriptions, associated prescriptions, and their crossreferences – and all of it preferably in a neat, nice, handy form. what began as a struggle and draft developed during a period of more than six years into a detailed “masterpiece” about prescriptions and possible modifications. 
i have been using this pocketguide now for years in my daily practice as a reference book, and it has proven to me it’s great utility when it comes to look up information, to find inspiration or confirmation of considerations. hence the idea to share this old traditional knowlegde in a modern digital fun way with you. i hope you will enjoy to be part of this community and benefit a lot from the tcm pocketguide.”

best wishes,
andrea merten
licensed acupuncturist & herbalist
with own practice in zurich, switzerland since 2005

tcm pocketguide

created with love in switzerland 🇨🇭


    Posted 14 August 2024 at 6:50 am

    Wow, fantastic blog layout! How long have you been blogging for?
    you make blogging look easy. The overall look of
    your site is fantastic, as wel as the content!

    • andrea
      Posted 17 August 2024 at 5:51 am

      hi dear, thank you so much for your kind feedback that means a lot to me! i started out with the this blog in june 21 and it is actually up to date but as i created recently a whole new layout i now have to catch up copying & pasting all the blog posts from my old page. when i am done i will probably create a newsletter for all who are interested to know about the latest blog post. i hope you will join then. cheers, andrea

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